A Guide to Life in UK for Indian Students

Student's Guide to Life in UK

Last updated on February 13th, 2024 at 09:34 am

A Guide to Life in UK: Insights for Indian Students ​

Indian students can have a life-changing experience studying in the UK, where they can combine a top-notch education with a vibrant cultural environment. You must be knowledgeable and ready for the opportunities and challenges that await you as you embark on this exciting adventure. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are the four nations that make up the United Kingdom, and each provides a unique cultural experience.

However, moving to a new country like the UK comes with its own challenges. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know as an Indian student in the UK, from preparing for your move to life on campus and beyond. Read on for helpful tips, important information, and resources.

Student's Guide to Life in UK

Student Essentials Before Moving to UK

The planning begins once you receive your UK university acceptance and student visa. Here is a checklist for you to prepare: 

Sort Out Accommodation


  • Apply early for university dorms/halls or private housing if you prefer independent living. Quality and cost vary across cities.
  • Check lease terms carefully before signing contracts for private rentals. Consult your university’s housing advice team with any queries.
  • If opting for dorms, find out about laundry amenities, wifi, common areas, etc., on campus to facilitate a smooth transition.

Arrange Funds for Living Expenses


  • Open an international bank account in the UK as soon as possible to deposit funds and smoothly pay rent and bills.
  • Have at least £1,000 per month on hand for food, supplies, transport, phone bills etc. In London and other big cities costs are higher.
  • Understand student discounts, budget shopping, and free activities to manage your money better. Enquire about part-time work too.

An overview of UK student living expenses is provided in the table below.


Average Cost Per Month 


£500 – £700

Food & Groceries

£5100 – £200


£30 – £40

Household Bills 

£40 – £50


£40 – £50


£200 -£300 

Get Your Documents in Order


  • Keep your university offer letters, government visa approvals, passport copies, bank statements, etc., safely accessible during travel.
  • You may need to produce your BRP (Biometric Residence Permit) when opening bank accounts, visiting your doctor, and more.

Once you finish these essentials, thoroughly research the city and university you are attending to familiarise yourself with the environment better and set practical expectations for daily life there.

Campus Life in UK Universities


The life of an  Indian student in the UK is undoubtedly impacted by campus life. From catered meal plans to vibrant social calendars, university campuses offer everything you need within their sprawling peripheries. Here is how to make the most of student life in the UK:

Bond with Your New Community


  • Most UK universities host social gatherings and sporting events for their students to get to know one another.
  • Sign up for a gym membership, sports teams, and other recreational societies catering from dance to debate to expand your social circle effortlessly.

Discover Resources to Excel Academically


  • Learn to use your university facilities independently, whether by booking study rooms in the library, accessing peer tutors, or borrowing equipment.
  • Attend academic skill workshops on campus, covering everything from effective note-taking and presentations to research paper writing skills tailored to international students.
  • Learn about the grading differences between the UK and Indian university systems. Online portals like Career Launcher also offer practical study abroad preparation courses on navigating academics.

Work and Part-Time Job Options in UK


Funding everyday living expenses solely on education loans can be challenging. However, UK laws permit international students to work flexible hours.

Find On-Campus Student Jobs


  • Register with university student unions and career portals to apply for available on-campus roles in libraries, labs, campus retail stores, etc.
  • These jobs offer between 10 to 20 work hours per week, conveniently scheduled between classes. 

Freelance Online for Location-Flexible Income


  • Leverage writing skills, coding know-how, language fluency, etc., to pick up freelance gigs with global clients while prioritising studies.
  • As an Indian student in the UK, international clients can help you facilitate building skills, ratings, and recommendations that translate into lucrative future income.

UK Culture for Indian Students


The traditions and cultures of Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and England have significantly impacted British culture. 

  • With a strong multicultural heritage, you will not find racism, bigotry, or favoritism in any region of the UK.
  • The United Kingdom is known for royalty, luxury, well-known personalities, and celebrities.
  • Throughout the year, several festivals and activities are held in the big UK cities, where international students have a great time. 
  • For an Indian student in the UK, life is connected with exhilarating adventures. You will fall in love with British culture.

Take UK University Safety Initiatives Seriously


The UK is quite concerned about the safety of its international students

  • Attend personal safety orientation programs upon arrival to understand cybersecurity risks, physical safety protocols, and emergency response training customised to your university’s unique environment.
  • Most colleges offer round-the-clock helplines and specialised security teams to aid you. 
  • Places like Edinburgh, Manchester, and London have a solid reputation for student safety. 

Final Word

UK universities offer the best of both educational excellence and life-shaping experiences. You must prepare thoroughly, embrace diverse experiences, create support networks proactively, travel inexpensively, and immerse yourself in the culture consciously during your degree. Stay vigilant about safety while enjoying the quintessential student life in the UK. You’ll have the experience of a lifetime.

Shaifali Bhardwaj - career launcher content writer

Shaifali Bhardwaj
Content Writer

About Author

A people- and story-person, Shaifali enjoys crafting narratives inspired by the life of people she meets. She likes to read autobiographies and fiction, indulge in some YRF drama, and even spin stories inspired by everyday objects (like her work desk). Stories being her oxygen, she began her career with HT Media, where she wrote health and entertainment news stories, and later started helping students write and edit essential application documents like statements of purpose. This fulfilled her desire to uncover unique stories and articulate them in the most compelling manner, while forming lasting bonds with her students. Presently with Career Launcher Study Abroad, she’s expanding her skills in website content and copywriting to advance in her field. On weekends, you may find her at a dance workshop or requesting weekday leaves for trekking adventures.

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