GMAT Demystified: Preparing for Business Schools Abroad

GMAT preparation for Business Schools Abroad

GMAT Demystified: Preparing for Business Schools Abroad ​

The demand for business leaders has never been higher. Top schools abroad provide unparalleled opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills to thrive in this dynamic environment. A strong GMAT score signals academic potential and readiness. Over 108,000 students worldwide took the GMAT last year.

Understanding the GMAT’s structure, scoring system, and GMAT preparation strategies is essential for those seeking to excel in their journey toward top-tier graduate management programmes.

GMAT preparation for Business Schools Abroad

Demystifying GMAT

The GMAT exam is a standardised test recognised globally. This computer adaptive test evaluates analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills. It consists of four sections: 

GMAT Section

Focus Areas

Task Description

Time and Questions



Verbal Reasoning (VR)

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning

Test reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and English language skills.

Practice identifying main ideas, correcting sentences, and analysing arguments.

36 questions in 65 minutes

6 to 51

Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

Data Sufficiency, Problem-Solving

Solve problems involving arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. 

Master data sufficiency concepts and problem-solving strategies like estimation and diagramming.

31 questions in 62 minutes

6 to 51 

Integrated Reasoning (IR)

Analysis of Graphs, Multi-Source Reasoning

Evaluate and synthesise data from multiple sources like texts, tables, and graphs.

Develop skills in interpreting graphs, integrating information, and drawing conclusions.

12 questions in 30 minutes:

1 to 8 

Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA):

Analyse an issue and an argument.

Analyse an argument and write a coherent, critical essay.

Focus on formulating arguments, identifying logical fallacies, and writing effectively.

One topic, 30 minutes for writing essays

0 to 6 

How to Prepare for GMAT Exam?


The GMAT exam is not easy, but with proper preparation and practice, you can achieve your target score and impress the admission committees of your dream business schools abroad. Here are some GMAT study tips for preparing for the exam:

Understand Format and Content of GMAT Exam:


  • Familiarise yourself with the structure, timing and scoring of each section of the GMAT exam.
  • Review the official GMAT handbook and sample questions from the GMAC website. 
  • Begin your GMAT preparation journey with a diagnostic test. 
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses to tailor a study plan addressing your needs.

Plan Your Study Schedule:


  • Based on your diagnostic test results, set a realistic goal for your GMAT score and decide how much time you need to prepare for the exam. 
  • Create a study plan that covers all the topics and skills tested on the GMAT exam. 

Use Reliable Study Materials:


Choose quality study materials aligned with the official GMAT content and level. Depending on your learning style, you can use books, online courses, apps, or tutors. Consider Career Launcher’s GMAT Prep Programme for a comprehensive approach, offering a blend of study materials, interactive tools, and expert guidance to suit various learning styles, ensuring a practical and engaging preparation experience.

Practice Under Realistic Conditions


  • To simulate the actual test environment, practice under timed conditions and use a computer with a keyboard and mouse. 
  • Take full-length mock tests that mimic the adaptive nature of the GMAT exam.

Focus on Your Weak Areas


  • Don’t neglect any section or topic you find challenging or unfamiliar. 
  • Improve accuracy and speed by learning from mistakes and revising concepts.

Maintain Your Physical and Mental Health


  • Preparing for the GMAT exam can be stressful and exhausting, but don’t let it affect your well-being. 
  • Eat well, sleep properly, exercise regularly and take breaks when needed.

Beyond GMAT Scores: Build Strong Application


While a competitive GMAT score is essential, admissions committees evaluate applicants holistically. They also consider several other aspects of your profile, like work experience, extracurricular involvement, application essays, letters of recommendation, and interview performance. 

A. Research Business Schools


Researching business schools abroad thoroughly and identifying programmes that align with your academic interests is crucial. Look beyond rankings and prestige to find programmes offering the academic specialisations that interest you and align with your career goals. For instance, if you are interested in finance, find schools known for their strength in this area.

B. Craft Your Application


Your application essays are your opportunity to showcase your unique personality, experiences, and goals. 

  • Clearly articulate why you want an MBA and why this is the right time in your career to pursue it. 
  • Link your past experiences with your future goals. Convey a clear vision of your short and long-term goals and how the MBA will empower you to realise them.

Final Word

The GMAT presents challenges, but a thorough GMAT preparation pays off all your efforts. Beyond academic prowess, business schools abroad evaluate applicants holistically based on work experience, goals, and fit with the programme. Diligently research your options, play to your strengths in the application, and articulate your vision to stand out. With meticulous planning and effort, you can demystify the process and embark on an enriching, global MBA journey.

Shaifali Bhardwaj - career launcher content writer

Shaifali Bhardwaj
Content Writer

About Author

A people- and story-person, Shaifali enjoys crafting narratives inspired by the life of people she meets. She likes to read autobiographies and fiction, indulge in some YRF drama, and even spin stories inspired by everyday objects (like her work desk). Stories being her oxygen, she began her career with HT Media, where she wrote health and entertainment news stories, and later started helping students write and edit essential application documents like statements of purpose. This fulfilled her desire to uncover unique stories and articulate them in the most compelling manner, while forming lasting bonds with her students. Presently with Career Launcher Study Abroad, she’s expanding her skills in website content and copywriting to advance in her field. On weekends, you may find her at a dance workshop or requesting weekday leaves for trekking adventures.

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